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Your Trusted Auto Crimes Law Firm In Denver, CO

Your Trusted Auto Crimes Law Firm In Denver, CO

Being accused of motor vehicle theft can have serious and life-long ramifications. From the moment you are arrested, every action you take will impact how your case is ultimately resolved. For this reason, it is essential that you make well-balanced and informed legal decisions to ensure you secure the best possible outcome – and with an experienced auto theft attorney by your side, this will be far more achievable.

Working with adept legal counsel will be invaluable in helping you effectively navigate the criminal justice system, protecting your rights, and giving you the ability to build a strong defense customized to the specifics of your case. Hiring a lawyer not only increases your chances of a favorable resolution but also prevents you from going through the daunting legal process alone.

Property crimes are among the many areas of criminal defense that The Zorrilla Law Firm is fully equipped to manage. Drawing from decades of experience, attorneys Christina Zorrilla and Jim Zorrilla have represented countless defendants accused of motor vehicle theft in Colorado – and they’re prepared to do the same for you.

If you’re ready to take the next step to protect your best interests, The Zorrilla Law Firm is on your side.

What Is Motor Vehicle Theft?

Motor vehicle theft, also known as grand theft auto, refers to when an individual unlawfully steals or takes control of another person’s vehicle without permission. In the state of Colorado, this is a very serious offense and is classified as a property crime.

Auto theft can involve a diverse range of circumstances, such as taking a car, truck, motorcycle, or other motorized vehicles. It may also include actions like “joyriding,” where the accused may not have the intention of permanently stealing the vehicle from the owner. However, this still constitutes illegal use.

The Different Degrees Of Auto Theft Offenses In Colorado

Under Colorado law, auto theft can be categorized into different degrees based on factors such as the value of the vehicle and the intent of the defendant. For example, first-degree aggravated motor vehicle theft usually involves intent to deprive the owner of their property permanently while committing another crime. Lower degrees may involve less severe circumstances but still carry profound legal implications.

What Are The Consequences?

Penalties for grand theft auto are significant, as a conviction can lead to large fines, incarceration, probation, and/or a combination of all three. What’s more, conviction can result in a permanent criminal record, which may impact future employment, social status, housing, and other aspects of your life.

If you are arrested for motor vehicle theft, it is crucial to understand the nature of the charges brought against you and the full extent of your legal options. Consulting with a lawyer will help clarify the complexities of your case and enable you to better defend yourself against charges.

The Zorrilla Law Firm is dedicated to providing our clients with vigorous defense – providing them with the best opportunity available for success.

The Zorrilla Law Firm Has Your Back

Our skilled motor vehicle theft defense lawyers are standing by to serve your unique legal needs.

Have you been arrested for motor vehicle theft in Colorado? You don’t have to navigate the legal system alone! Take charge of your case, and allow the caring, experienced legal team of The Zorrilla Law Firm to advocate on your behalf.

To schedule a free consultation with one of our motor vehicle theft lawyers, call our office today at (303) 951-8004.

The Zorrilla Law Firm - Denver, CO

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(303) 951-8004

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