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Denver Colorado Drug Offense Lawyer

Despite the legalization of cannabis throughout Colorado, it is still all too easy to end up getting charged with possession or even trafficking of marijuana and other illegal substances.

This can be a very stressful situation, especially for parents, who understand how much of their children's future is on the line when facing drug charges.

Fortunately, defense lawyers like those at The Zorrilla Law Firm can help you or your child deal with this drug charge by lessening the penalties faced, pursuing an alternative sentencing option, or even avoiding the conviction entirely.

In addition, if you have a past conviction on your criminal record, we may be able to help you expunge or seal it so you can get your future back. Whether or not we can do so, however, depends on a number of important factors, including the severity of the charge.

How Are Drug Possession Charges Categorized In Colorado, And What Are The Potential Penalties?

In Colorado, the severity and penalties for drug possession are influenced by several factors, including the type and quantity of drugs involved. Drug possession can be classified either as a misdemeanor, which might result in fines, probation, or jail time, or as a felony.

The classification for felonies varies, ranging from felony levels 1 to 4, with each having its respective penalties. The consequences for those found guilty can range from probation and treatment to a stay in a halfway house, or even jail/prison. Factors such as the specifics of the case and an individual's criminal history play crucial roles in determining the punishment.

Another key factor is your attorney's skill and experience. Your drug defense lawyer may be able to lower the charges to a less severe level or negotiate a less punishing outcome or sentence.

What Are The Chances Of Jail Time For A First-Time Drug Possession Offender In Colorado?

For first-time offenders in Colorado charged with minor drug possession, the likelihood of receiving a jail sentence is low. Colorado law leans towards rehabilitation and treatment rather than incarceration for low-level drug possession offenses. Specifically, the Colorado drug possession laws state that, before considering jail or prison sentences, courts must explore all reasonable and appropriate alternative sentences first.

This does not mean you should not take these charges seriously; after all, jail time is only one of many consequences of a drug charge conviction, most of which extend far beyond the initial direct punishments. For example, you may find it harder to get a college acceptance, job, promotion, apartment, loan, or even favorable terms in a divorce.

Luckily, an attorney may be able to help you avoid that conviction or wipe it from your record if you are already struggling with one.

Can You Clear Your Criminal Record After Being Convicted For Drug Possession (Other Than Marijuana) In Colorado?

Even if you are convicted, there is a possibility of being able to clear a drug possession conviction from your record. Three years after you have finished serving your sentence, an attorney can help you petition a judge to seal or expunge your criminal record.

This means that the conviction would no longer be part of your publicly accessible criminal history, offering you a fresh start.

Nevertheless, it is far better to avoid a conviction in the first place, and that means hiring a defense attorney as soon as possible after an arrest.

More Information

Contact A Colorado Drug Charge Defense Attorney

If you or a loved one, especially your child, have been arrested on drug charges in Colorado, it is vital you contact a lawyer as soon as possible. If you have been charged in or near Denver, The Zorrilla Law Firm can come to your aid–but only if you contact us!

The earlier you reach out, the more our attorneys can do to keep you from suffering the worst effects of your drug charge. Call (303) 951-8004 now or book a consultation to review your case and options online.

The Zorrilla Law Firm - Denver, CO

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(303) 951-8004

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